Patek Philippe Ref 5396 Replica, Patek Philippe Replica, Patek Philippe Replica Watches, Replica Watches

The Patek Philippe Ref 5396 Replica Is The Best Annual Calendar

This is the moon phase of the Patek Philippe Ref 5396 Replica. An amazing watch that somehow manages to look classic and modern at the same time. It is complicated, but easy to read. Diamond rectangular markers are difficult to keep a low profile.

One of the attractions of Ref 5396 is its eternal appeal. The model looks very comfortable in the current series. You may not know this, but Patek Philippe actually chose a dual-tone fan-shaped dial for the first model. The dial configuration is the same, but as you can see below, the appearance is very different. You would hardly think that this is the same watch as the current version.

Ref 5396 is an evolution of the original Ref 5035 in 1996. This is the first annual calendar watch equipped with Replica Patek Philippe Iced Out new patented complications. A function that can adjust itself according to the number of days in the month.

It takes four years of research and development to master this new complex function. But it’s worth the wait. The Ref 5035 is considered the first annual calendar watch, which was a major event at the time.

The design of the Fully Iced Out Patek Ref 5035 Replica is very traditional, albeit with some quirks. A small 37 mm round case. Central time display with illuminated hands. Roman numerals used for hour markers. Calendar indicator on the sub-dial. Except for the date, which is displayed through a window at 6 o’clock. And the 24-hour indicator at 6 o’clock.

Patek Philippe introduced the Ref 5036 after the Ref 5035, which introduced the moon phase at 6 o’clock. And there is a power reserve indicator at 12 o’clock. Although its style is still very traditional.

The Dial

Next you have the central time display, complete running seconds. Below it is a sub-dial with integrated moon phase and 24-hour indicator. Finally, to end this, the Patek Philippe Iced Out date is displayed in a window at 6 o’clock.

This design is not only intuitive and easy to read, but also very attractive and elegant. Cover up the complexity of the movement. On the periphery, faceted decals, with a triangular tip marking the hour. Although you can also find early examples using Breguet numbers instead. Completing the dial is a series of golden dots marking the minutes.

In the current series, the dial is only available in two colors. Silver and milky white, or blue sunburst with diamond-shaped rectangular markings. Over the years, the dial of Ref 5396 has changed a lot, so you will also find other colors. I have seen blue and brown. Although the most common is black.

The Movement

Turn the Patek Philippe Replica Swiss Movement over and you can see the beautiful view of the sapphire glass case back and the movement. For Patek Philippe collectors, this is already a familiar sight. Several of Patek Philippe’s famous watches all use the homemade 324 movement.

The 324 movement is only 5.78 mm high and consists of approximately 347 parts. Including Patek Philippe’s patented Gyromax balance wheel and Spiromax balance spring. A 21K gold central rotor is responsible for winding the mainspring.